Demo Updates

We are building the world's smartest pen, and that's no small feat. Here, we will draw back the curtain and show you the technological milestones we reach in real-time. Join us on our journey to mass-production.

Meeting Notes Demo

From your favorite notebook to your smartphone, look at how Nuwa Pen digitizes your meeting notes from any paper to your cell phone. Sync, save, share and track your notes.


Double-line Demo

Good ideas start on paper, great ones start on a napkin. Watch as we put Nuwa Pen to the test, writing two lines of text and on a unique surface.

Double-line Demo
August Demo - One Sentance

We are getting close to shipping Nuwa Pen to the world. In this demo, you'll see Nuwa Pen write a sentence uninterrupted and digitize it accurately. You will also get a glimpse into our Nuwa Pen app.

Nuwa Pen - August Demo
Nuwa Pen - Digitize Demo

No other smart pen has cracked the problem of writing on referenceless paper (dotted/special paper). In this demo, you'll see Nuwa Pen doing just that and digitizing accurately. It's not perfect, but it's a breakthrough that will make Nuwa Pen the smartest pen in the world.

Nuwa Pen - Digitize Demo